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Home Learning for Years 1 and 2

There are lots of activities to do in your creative pack.


Teachers are also posting activities and lessons on the class blogs. Do send in pictures of the work you are doing at home using the email addresses on the creative pack sheet. We would love to see and celebrate your work. 




READING: Please make sure you read every day - get your child to read to you and you can read to your child. 


WRITING: Take the time to improve your drawing, colouring and writing skills. 


MATHS: Practice your number facts:

  • Can you count in 2s, 5s and 10s? 

  • Do you know the pairs of numbers that go together to make 10 or 20? 

  • Can you learn to tell the time?

  • What shapes can you find around your house - can you name them? 


ONLINE LEARNING: Below are some online learning resources that Alison, Jo and Emma will be setting work on and checking your progress. Can you spend a little time each day on one of these? 


Your teachers will be selecting learning tasks and activities for the children using an educational platform called studyladder. Simply go to and login using your child’s school username and password.

The free version allows students to access all the activities during school hours and 3 activities per day during out of school hours.

There are many fun and educational activities that children can access through lgfl busy things.

We have free access to this website through London Grid for Learning.

Simply go to    and log in using your child’s lgfl  username and password.

Class teachers will be setting some assignments for you to do - look for your assignments at the side of the page when you log into your class. 



Please download the following apps –

PiXL TT – This is to help your pupils practice their timetables,

PiXL Vocabulary – This will help your pupils develop their spelling and vocabulary skills.

These apps are user friendly and have different games and activities for the children to work through. Emma will be able to log on and see how the children are progressing and how many points they have achieved. You will need the school username as well as your child’s individual logon details.

PiXL SCHOOL Username: HG5166 

Phonics Play is a fun website which allows children to practice their phonics sounds and word reading skills. We use it a lot in year 1 and the children love it.

While schools are closed you can access this for free at home.


log in:      username: march20        password: home

Have fun trying out all the different games

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Year 1: This is the letter sent home with a list of activities Jo and Alison would like you to do over the next few weeks. 




If you need help accessing study ladder, watch the video above. 

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