School Activities - Charging
Visits and Visitors
The school plans Off Site Visits or hosts Music, Dance, Drama workshops to enhance learning. However, there are times when the cost cannot be fully covered by the school. Voluntary contributions will be required to ensure that the activity takes place.
The Governors have agreed that some of the school’s ‘Pupil Premium Funding’ is used to support a range of School Learning Activities; including Off Site Visits, Educational Workshops which enhance the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world, cultural, social, academic experiences.
On the 1st April 1989 it became illegal to charge for school activities which largely take place in school time. However sometimes this means that worthwhile activities cannot take place without financial assistance from parents/carers. Section 118 of the Education Reform Act does not restrict schools from seeking voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or any school activity. The following is our charging policy.
Where the school wishes to participate in activities for which charging is not permitted and there are insufficient funds to meet the cost of such activities, the school will seek voluntary contributions from parents/carers.
The Headteacher will decide what proportion of the cost of an activity can properly be requested of families and charged to school funds. Usually we request a £1.00 contribution.
Where parental financial support is needed, a letter will be sent to parents setting out the nature of the activity and the individual contribution sought.
There is no obligation to contribute. Children of non-contributing parents/carers will be treated no differently from children of contributing parents.
Should insufficient funds be raised, relevant activities may not take place. Parents/carers will then be advised as such. Any monies collected will be refunded.