School Uniform
All children from Reception onwards are expected to wear Hague School Uniform.
The school colours are Navy Blue, Red and White.
Navy or Red sweat shirt, cardigan or fleece
White or Red polo shirt, blouse or roll neck top
Navy trousers, skirt or pinafore. Plain Navy Salwar Kameez
Plain Navy or White head scarf
Summer Uniform
Blue or Red checked school dresses may be worn with white leggings
Navy shorts
Navy base ball caps

PE and Games Kit
It is important for pupils to wear correct clothing for physical activities. A change of clothing is required for pupils aged 5-11.
Navy shorts or track suit bottoms
Hague Sky Blue T Shirt
Change of Trainers or Plimsolls for Games and outdoor PE. Indoor PE is bare foot.
For health and safety reasons jewellery must not be worn for sporting activities and long hair should be tied back.
General notes
Children need appropriate black / navy shoes, or trainers, worn with socks. (For Health and Safety reasons strappy sandals, flip flops, shoes with high heel and platform soles are not considered suitable)
Nursery children are not expected to wear uniform but are expected to dress in a manner appropriate for school activity.
Parents will be advised if school feels a child is not dressed appropriately.
Please name all items of clothing.
The only items that are considered appropriate for school are watches, and studs or sleepers worn in pierced ears.
Please note that staff are not allowed to remove or look after jewellery for children, the safest place is at home. Religious symbols may be worn inside clothing and removed or secured during P.E.
Where to buy uniform
Sweat shirts, fleeces, cardigans, t-shirts, shorts, track suit bottoms, and caps are all available with the school logo, available from:
388 Bethnal Green Road, London E2 0AH
All items of uniform are readily available in major stores and supermarkets.
PE Kit bags and Book Bags can be purchased from the school office.
Lost Property
Please name children’s clothing. It reduces the risk of loss! We keep items of lost clothing for a reasonable time. Displays of lost property are made through out the year and before the end of each school year, if it is not claimed it will then be given away to those who can use it or to charity. If your child has lost something check in the lost property bin in the playground. Children should check in class, playground, around school and at the office.