School Meals
The school meals at Hague are nutritionally balanced and on average provide one third of your child's daily requirements.
You can find out more about our school lunches at
Parents of new children are welcome to join us at meal times by arrangement particularly if children have difficulty settling to eat.
Free School Meal Schemes for children in Reception Class to Year 6
Children are entitled to free school meals through the government universal scheme or Tower Hamlets Mayor's Free School Meals Policy regardless of level of income.

Break time snacks
School provides fruit/vegetables every day for pupils in Nursery to Year 2.
Pupils in Years 3-6 may bring fruit or raw vegetable i.e. carrots/cucumber sticks for break time snack.
Please respect our policy on healthy eating and dental care.
Bringing food & drink to school for lunch
The vast majority of children at Hague have access to a free school meal.
If you want your child to have a packed lunch please discuss with the Head of School or Inclusion Manager.
Please Children who do not have a school meal may go home for lunch or bring a packed lunch. Please ensure packed lunches are brought to school in a secure container labelled with your child’s name and with appropriate food hygiene precautions.
The school is committed to Healthy Nutritious options. For Packed Lunch we recommend a sandwich – egg, tuna, cheese, chicken & salad / pasta or rice dish, a variety of fruit or vegetables and a drink. It may include a healthy cereal bar, small biscuit or yoghurt for desert. Water is available at lunch time for all pupils.
Please note the following should not be brought into school:
Fizzy/ Sugary drinks, crisps or sweets
High sugar/high fat cakes, biscuits or deserts