School Improvement Plans
The 2021-2022 Federation of Stewart Headlam and Hague Schools' Improvement Plan
The SHH Federation priorities:
Raising attainment for all pupils including those who are disadvantaged to secure age related expectations for reading, writing and maths. We call this the combined RWM.
This objective is split
1 English
Early Reading - phonics
Writing across the curriculum
2. Maths
mastery - introducing NCETM Mastering Number in reception and KS1
Post Covid lockdowns and remote learning there is an emphasis on finding and filling the gaps across all year groups for core subjects, Englsh and Maths so that no child is left behind.
3. The federation of Stewart Headlam and Hague schools are developing and refining a shared curriculum model for foundation subjects: art, computing, design and technology, geography, history, music PSHE, RE, Spanish and French for MFL.
The SHH Federation curriculum builds on our SHH EYFS Federation curriculum to Year 6.
The SHH Federation Curriculum Leaders of Learning support teaching and learning in both schools.
4. Personal development and well-being.
This is a focus on embedding PSHE from EYFS to Year 6 so that all children develop their confidence to be active learners with positive self esteem.
Building on Teach Equal from EYFS and Jigsaw including Relationships and Health Education.