Finding Out About Your Child’s Progress and Achievements
Parent meetings
There are 3 parent meetings per year to discuss progress and identify targets for progression.
Parents are invited to meet the class teacher for a Q & A session about being in the new class, learning expectations, curriculum topics, reading expectations, homework, PE, Support for Learning how we etc.
Mid Year Progress Review Meeting
Annual School Report, including academic attainment level and rate of progress at the end of each school year.
If you have concerns about the progress or wellbeing of your child you are very welcome to make an appointment to look at your child’s work, discuss progress, behaviour or concerns by arrangement with the class teacher.
Staff like to share the good news and positive moments about your child’s day at school. You may receive a text to this effect if we don’t see you in the playground. From time to time staff may need to discuss concerns about progress or behaviour. We aim to catch issues early and plan to work in partnership so that pupils have a consistent home school message.