Reporting Sickness Absence
If your child is absent through sickness or any unavoidable cause, please phone school as soon as possible. This will be an authorised absence. It is school policy to check the registers daily and you may be contacted by phone if your child has not come to school. When the child returns a letter or phone call explaining the absence is required.
The school works with the Tower Hamlets Attendance and Welfare Advisor to monitor absence and promote regular attendance at school and to improve attainment and progress of pupils. The AWA comes to school fortnightly to monitor attendance.
Parents whose children are persistently late or absent may receive letters of concern or to request a meeting to discuss concerns.
Performance Indicators
The school has a duty to collect and report details of absences by law and so these are monitored closely. Lateness is also monitored.
If you are delayed for any reason when collecting your child at the end of the school day, please inform us immediately of alternative collection arrangements. If no message has been received by 4pm the Headteacher may have to contact Social Services to provide safe care of your child.
Children are not allowed to go out of school during the day unaccompanied. They should be collected by an adult if attending medical or approved appointments.
Requests for leave during term time
Hague School follows Tower Hamlets Attendance Policy. Leave of absence is granted only in exceptional educational circumstances, this does not include holidays. Holiday absence is unauthorised and permission will not be given. Pupils who are absent without authorisation for extended leave put their places in school at risk and may be taken off roll.
Family holidays/ trips to see relatives overseas should always be arranged to take place during school holidays.
Fixed Penalty Scheme
Click here for policy