At Hague we want all children to feel positive about maths, for them to enjoy working things out using their known facts and problem solving skills. Maths should be fun even when learning from mistakes. We want children to enjoy explaining how they worked it out using quick methods and known calculations.
Our maths curriculum is taught through real life contexts to hook the children’s interest in daily events that require mathematical thinking.
The NCETM Mastering Number Programme is used from Reception to Year 2 so that pupils develop fluency in calculations and understanding of number concepts.
Power Maths scheme of Learning in ks1 and 2 where the whole class progresses together, following a mastery approach to develop a deep conceptual understanding.
National Tuition Programmes like Third Space and other resources from PiXL are used to assist for catch-up. Interventions are led by teachers and HLTAs to support the mastery of number and mathematical thinking, problem solving and reasoning.
We have high expectations of our pupils to develop rapid recall and written strategies for problem solving with the confidence to use mathematical jottings.
We plan to ensure that children develop the skills to
Work systematically
Develop problem solving and reasoning skills
Use trial and error as a strategy
Spot patterns and explain them
Our school values develop the growth mindset attitudes and behaviours to solve problems be it mathematical or otherwise. Through collaboration and creative problem solving, being responsible for learning number facts and calculation strategies, children learn to have- a-go and try again.
Early Years Maths
Early learning in maths involves lots of mathematical play. Counting, matching, sequencing and looking for patterns in real objects and the environment helps children develop their mathematical vocabulary. mental models & images of how number & shape & space work.
Our calculation policies demonstrate a clear progression from these early experiences through to expanded & eventually shorter, more efficient methods of calculation.
Home learning support.
Every child from
Year 1 to Year 6 has a Study Ladder account,
Year 2 - Y6 Times Table Rockstars account.