First Aid and Medication
In the event of your child becoming ill or having an accident, you will be informed by telephone or a summary information letter. Please ensure you always keep us up to date with your contact telephone numbers and addresses: if your child is sick or has an accident we will need to be able to contact you easily and quickly.
If your child needs prescription medication during the day, please contact the office so that you can complete a medication form giving parental permission for school to administer medication. Only prescription medication will be administered. Please note school cannot administer non prescription medication.
Long Term Medical Conditions
School must be informed if your child has any long term medical condition eg asthma or allergy. The School Nurse may invite you into school to discuss the school’s arrangements and Care Plan for your child. Children on regular medication, e.g. inhalers for asthma, will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own well-being, as part of independent training. Any other long term GP prescribed daily dosage drugs need to be discussed with the School Nurse and head teacher so arrangements can be made for administering the medication correctly. Children with Medical Care Plans will have assigned members of staff to supervise the taking of medicines.
Staff at Hague are regularly trained for First Aid, Asthma, Eczema, allergy awareness and epilepsy awareness.
Sun Protection
During warm summer months all children should have a named sun cap/hat which they will be encouraged to wear outside. Staff are not permitted to apply sun cream to children but we would ask that you apply a long lasting sunscreen before school in sunny weather.
Water Policy
At Hague we understand the need for children to drink water regularly though out the day. Drinking water is available in all classrooms, at water fountains in the play grounds and at lunch time. Children may bring named plastic water bottles to school especially in hot weather.