Physical Education
At SHH we work with BADU sports to design a curriculum that is engaging and inclusive of every child. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for PE; providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that ensures a progressive development of children’s skills, and fitness.

We want all children to have regular access to physical activity that is enjoyable and increases their level of fitness. We use the sports premium funding to provide all our children access to high quality sports coaches who deliver highly engaging and fun filled classes that will empower them to enjoy sports and physical activities and want to continue being active in the future.
Through our PE curriculum we aim for all our children:
To experience a wide range of sporting activities.
To develop their skills and physical fitness.
To have the opportunity to take part in competitive sports.
To be inspired to be physically active and healthy, both inside and outside of school.
To develop the notion of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators.
To learn about different sports and athletes who may inspire them to achieve more for themselves.
We utilise our sports premium funding to provide high quality sports coaches for all year groups through BADU sports. We plan carefully with the sports coaches to ensure the children get a rich diet of different sports and skills over the course of each year and Key Stage. We also regularly take up the opportunities of specialised sports coaches through links with Chance to Shine Cricket and Capital Kids Cricket. Dance is supported by Language of Dance Trust.
We offer all classes the chance to take part in the Daily Mile, through planned opportunities in class and before school on a Friday. Our sports coaches also support physical activity during lunchtime and offer after school clubs.
Children usually have access to swimming lessons during years 4 and 5. These have currently been disrupted by the pandemic and the temporary closure of our local pool - York Hall. We hope to have these back in place as soon as possible in Summer Term 2022.