Pupil Support and Pastoral Care
Inclusion – Pupils with Special Educational Needs
Our effective inclusion team at Hague and Stewart Headlam is led by the SHH Federation Assistant Head for Inclusion, Alice Macfarlane, she works across both schools with a team of learning support assistants.
Hague has the Deaf Resource Base led by 2 Qualified Teachers of the Deaf: Kelly Hitchins and Kyrie Clarke.
All pupils need support for learning at some point.
Some pupils just need a little boost,
Others need a bit more focused and planned support.
A few children need a lot more support due to specific need.
The Inclusion Leader works with teachers, learning support staff to identify effective support for learning and personal development.
Teaching Assistants are here to support the learning needs of all pupils.
Some TAs specifically support children with an Education and Health Care Plan.
Support is also provided from the SHH Federation Learning Mentor, John Waters, who works across Hague and Stewart Headlam. He supports the development of behaviour and attitudes to learning so that children are more able to access teaching and learning strategies.
He works 1:1, in small groups and whole classes. He is out and about in playgrounds to support friendships and children who are new to the schools.
The effective inclusive approach is accomplished through home school partnerships, working closely with class teachers, teachers of the deaf, parents and outside professionals.
The schools maintain a register of Special Educational Needs in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice.
Our Inclusion Manager, will always advise parents if we have concerns about any child’s needs and we ask you to tell us if you have any worries about your child.
In consultation with parents, Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are reviewed and decisions made regarding special educational provision.
About one third of the children in the schools at some point will need extra help with their learning whilst in our school. The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has a central Support for Learning Service which provides additional advice and training to schools.
Details of steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils are contained in the school’s SEND Local offer.

Links with Education, Health and Social Support Services
The schools have termly visits from an Educational Psychologist to advise us on children with Special Needs or those who are not making expected levels of progress. The Educational Psychologist also meets parents to discuss the type of help individual children need.
We have regular contact with the Early Help Team as well as Social Workers. We can put them in contact with you if you require support.
If you can benefit from this extended support service please contact either the Head's of School, Inclusion Manager or Learning Mentor. They can sign post families to support services.
We have positive and effective links with the local G.P’s, CAMHS Team - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service, and other medical support services like the School Nurse.
The school will write letters or make contact on your behalf when possible.
Please ask for support. Services are there to help.
Higher Achieving Pupils
SHH Federation values high ambition with broad horizons for all pupils.
The schools set aspirational targets and challenges for all children.
We try not to 'cap the learning', so that pupils can master and apply their knowledge and skills across the curriculum.
Higher achieving pupils are challenged through differentiated opportunities as well as though success criteria outcomes.
We avoid labelling children as more able, gifted or talented.
Alice MacFarlane
SHH Federation Assistant Head Inclusion Manager
Hague Primary School and Stewart Headlam Primary School.