Safeguarding Statement
Children at Hague are kept safe because all adults at Hague understand and apply the schools safeguarding and child protection procedures.
Communication and relationships between school, families and multi agency professionals focuses on prevention and support or intervention in the best interests of the child.
There is a belief that ‘it could happen here’ and that 'safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’.
Adults at Hague have regular training and know to be alert to signs of abuse and to report it to the Designated Child Protection Officers at Hague.
“All schools have a clear responsibility placed on them by the Children Act 1989 and by guidance from the Department for Education to safeguard the welfare of all their pupils. In doing so, schools are expected to consult with Children’s Social Care if they believe there is a possibility that a child may be suffering from abuse or neglect"
At Hague Primary School we are committed to promoting the safety and welfare of all our pupils, staff and visitors.
As part of this commitment, we have a legal responsibility to inform Social Care of any child protection concerns relating to children who attend our school.
In the majority of cases, a member of staff will contact you to discuss this and if necessary any subsequent referral to Social Care.
Please be aware that you may not be contacted in advance of a referral if it is felt that this could place a child at risk of ‘significant harm’.
We appreciate your support in this matter.
The School's Designated Child Protection Officers are:
Judy Knappett Executive Headteacher
Sue Walsh Headteacher
See Policies for Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy