Hague Primary School mission:
‘Enjoy learning and achieve great things for yourself and for others’
Aims of the School
Hague Primary School aims for everyone to:
1. Enjoy Learning
2. Be active, confident, independent learners
3. Contribute to school and the wider community
4. To respect and support each other to do the best
we can
At Hague School the mission is to ‘enjoy learning and achieve great things for yourself and for others’.

Our Vision for Pupils at Hague
Every day at Hague School, staff and governors are working to ensure that by the time pupils leave Hague they will:
Have learned how to make friends and get along well with people.
Have developed a range of skills to communicate their needs and ideas effectively.
Feel proud of their achievements and found their artistic, scientific, musical or sporting talents
Know how to have a go, try new things, problem solve, reason and learn from mistakes.
Understand that they have ‘rights and responsibilities’ to learn, to be safe and to take responsibility for their words and actions.
Have done things for others locally and globally which make a small but real difference which they can feel proud of.
Through commitment to our vision, aims and values staff and governors aim to support and challenge our pupils to achieve their potential. Adults have a responsibility to ensure pupils maximise their future life chances and those of others through Hague’s commitment to; rights respecting behaviour, an inspirational curriculum which secures and develops literacy and numeracy skills, teamed with promoting pupils’ understanding of the school values; responsibility, communication, collaboration, creativity and achievement. We want children, families and staff to feel valued, safe and able to make choices that will contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
By supporting the vision and school improvement plan, everyone works towards becoming even better leaders, managers, teachers, learners so that Hague secures and celebrates improvements for all.
The core purpose, vision and aims are reviewed annually at Whole School Conference by staff and Governors. Pupils review the aims and values in lessons and assemblies. Hague School staff and Governors aim to work in partnership with parents, the local authority, educational support agencies and relevant others to achieve these aims.