At Hague we have designed a Science curriculum that is engaging and inclusive of every child. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science; providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that ensures a progressive development and understanding of scientific concepts. Through our teaching of science knowledge and skills we aim to instill in our children a love of science now and well beyond their primary years.
The Intent
Children are naturally curious about the world in which they live. In the science curriculum at Hague we aim to encourage this curiosity and progressively develop children's thinking and understanding of the world around them. We aim to develop a respect for living things and the environment, a positive attitude towards health, safety and the well being of others, and an understanding of how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change.
Where relevant scientific learning is linked to the class topic to allow children to make links between their learning in different areas.
Through our science curriculum children should:
Develop the practical skills needed to investigate questions safely.
Develop the skills of “working scientifically”: predicting, asking questions, careful observation and measurement, the making and testing of inferences, the design of different types of investigations, and the drawing of meaningful conclusions based on the evaluation of evidence and their previous understanding.
Become effective communicators of scientific ideas, facts and data, including through speech and the use of ICT.
Draw upon mathematical skills to present and interpret real data in tables, graphs and bar charts.
Work cooperatively with others, listening to their ideas and treating these with respect.
Science begins in the Early Years through hands-on, open ended observation and investigation of fundamental scientific concepts. These threads are picked up through our spiral curriculum and developed as pupils progress into Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Science is taught weekly. Wherever possible pupils use and develop their investigation skills to explore the different scientific principles being studied. Teachers also look for opportunities to bring science to life through current affairs or through educational visits eg to the Science Museum or Natural History Museum.
The Impact
At SHH, Science is taught from Early Years through to Year 6 and each year makes up an integral piece of a larger progressive curriculum that prepares our pupils to engage meaningfully with science beyond primary school. The knowledge and skills that our pupils gain provides the building blocks upon which our pupils will access the Key Stage Three science curriculum and further.
Science opens the door to further studies, careers in science and a genuine love of the subject.