Gala Day
We raised £403! Thank you £403! School Council will consult and decide how to spend in September.

Hague & Stewart Headlam EYFS Sports Day on Weavers Field
Lots of fun for all. Bike Races, long distance running, hool hoops and sack races.

Sports Day on Weavers Field
Balance, coordination and concentration for the Egg and Spoon Race!

The Great Hague Bake Winners - Year 4
September trip to Pizza Express, make and taste some professional pizza. Congratulations!

Chicks Hatch in Nursery
Rainbow Class were reallly excited waiting to see what would hatch out of the eggs. Would it be a crocodile, a flower, a dinosaur....

New Website
Welcome to our new website. Thank you to everyone especially RKH our Education Business Partners who set up the website. Staff and...

Y2 Went to the Zoo
Year 2 had a great day at London Zoo. They explored and enjoyed seeing the animals especially camels, lions and snakes. They spotted the...

Mayor Visit to Launch Tour de France
See our newsletter for more information. Did you see us in East End Life newspapaer?

Hague Pupils Visit Lloyd's of London
Year 6 visited our Education Business Partners, RK Harrison, Insurance Brokers (4th March), to experience the' world of work' in the...