Election Fever at Hague
Wednesday the 6th May is Election Day in Hague School. Year 5 are campaigning around school for votes. Which party do you think has the...

LSO Woodwind Practice Day @ Hague
Huge amount of music and fun was to be had by all with pupils from Willam Davis School.

Book Week at Hague
Amazing story characters descended into Hague's Readathon during the last week of term. Max and the Wild Things took over Early Years and...
Hague Secures Rights Respecting School Award Level 2
Well done to all pupils and staff for being so dedicated to securing this award for all at Hague. We are all Rights Respecting...

Remembrance Day Collaboration ~Y1 and Y6
Year 6 and Year 1 shared their learning about Remembrance Day with each other. We discussed why we have it and what the poppies...

Today we celebrated Outright - speaking out on children's rights to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the UN Charter of Rights for the...

Your fundraising at work!
This summer Sam and Emma had an amazing time visiting our link school in Tanzania. You raised enough money to send them on a trip to the...

Rights Respecting Poster Competition
Click here to see more entries, which ones do you think will win the competition? #rrs #community

Welcome Back to School
Newsletter available to read, click here.

Year 4 Gorsefield Residential
Archery Skills - Alice got Bull's Eye!